HA11, Wake Island,United States Territory

Hydrophone nodes ready for deployment at Wake Island.
Thumbnail profile: Wake Island / Wake Atoll
The island remains a strategic location in the North Pacific that was used for strategic defense during the Cold War.

It also provides important breeding grounds for birds.

Hydrophone nodes being transported out to sea.
Station Profile

The underwater and shore hardware is essentially identical in design to that at Hydroacoustic stations 03 and 10, Juan Fenández Island in Chile and Ascension Island of the UK respectively.

Installation of the shore facility of HA11.
Station Location
Two VSAT antennas transmit data from the two stations in near real time to the IDC in Vienna.
Making sure that the incoming cables brave the elements over a long period of time is critical.
Last testing inside the Central Recording Facility during the certification visit in 2007.
Build-up, Certification, Testing and Evaluation
After the installation of the Data Acquisition and Storage Segment, the certification visit took place in February 2007. The station started to transmit data to the CTBTO's International Data Centre (IDC) in May 2007 and was formally certified on 8 June 2007.
The United States hosts more IMS facilities than any other CTBT Member State: five primary and 12 auxiliary seismic stations, two hydroacoustic stations, eight infrasound stations, 11 radionuclide stations and one radionuclide laboratory.