Welcome to the beta version of the CTBTO multilingual site. If you encounter any issues or have feedback, please email us at feedback@ctbto.org

How To Do Business With Us

We advertise business opportunities in our website and on the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM). ​ ​

To participate and submit an offer, vendors do not need to be registered with us or in UNGM however we encourage all prospective suppliers to do so; this way we can have your company in our roster and include you in potential future opportunities that may be part of your portfolio. You may read about our major purchasing categories.​ ​

If you are not yet registered with our organization and wish to be included in the CTBTO mailing list, please complete the Supplier Registration Form. Only requests of vendors from CTBT State Signatories will be considered.​ ​ ​

To register in UNGM go to www.ungm.org and click on the 'Register' link in the top menu.​ ​ In addition, if you wish to be included in the CTBTO mailing list, please contact us at procurement@ctbto.org. You will then be informed of new tenders via email as soon as they are issued.

Procurement Tips

We have some tips for you to help you participate in our procurement opportunities:​ ​

  • Register with us and in UNGM and keep information on your company and its products up-to-date;
  • Company profiles should be summarized in one page and presentations should be brief;​ ​
  • Check our procurement notices in our website and UNGM regularly;
  • Subscribe to the UNGM Tender Alert Service to receive automatic email alerts when tenders of your interest are published in UNGM;​ ​
  • Familiarize yourself with the UN Supplier Code of Conduct and with our General Conditions of Contract;
  • Any deviations may be considered in the decision of a procurement contract award;​ ​
  • If you are not interested or unable to participate in a tender, inform us! This way we will be able to keep your organization on the active list; ​ ​
  • Study tender documents carefully and follow all related instructions, ask for clarification if there is any uncertainty;​ ​
  • Ensure that your offer meets ALL requirements of the tender;
  • Provide all requested information so that your bid is fully compliant, including quality certificates, financial statements, catalogues, submission forms etc., in requested format and language; failure to do so can result in the disqualification of your offer;​ ​
  • Be sure to check if a sealed bid is required;
  • Electronic submissions for sealed bids are different, and instructions provided in the tender must be followed carefully;​ ​
  • Always provide your most competitive offer at the outset; pricing negotiations are only undertaken (if at all) with the successful bidder(s); ​ ​
  • Meet the submission deadline; late proposals will not be considered;​ ​

...and don’t give up too easily: developing and establishing contacts and doing business with us requires the same time as dealing with any other new market.​

Forms and Documents

If you are not yet registered with our organization and wish to be included in the CTBTO mailing list, please complete the Supplier Registration Form. You will then be informed of new tenders via email as soon as they are published. 

General Conditions of Contract

Please note that only requests from registered companies or organizations from CTBT State Signatories will be considered.

Suppliers that wish to work with the Commission or already conduct business with the Commission are required to adhere to the UN Supplier Code of Conduct and any other ethical requirements as outlined in the Commission’s solicitation and/or contractual documents.